As part of the new Trinity Plus Curriculum launched in 2021, the College introduced experiential certificates, 与核心文科教育相辅相成的综合课程和应用学习经验,为学生在全球十大网赌正规平台之后的下一步做好准备.

“体验式证书旨在将学术探究与职业抱负联系起来,” said Mitchell A. Polin, associate dean for curriculum and professor of theater and dance. “它们为学生提供了一个实践想法的机会,而不仅仅是从远处审视它们.”

With 30 experiential certificates 现在,教师每年都在设计更多的课程,学生们有机会追求更深入的学习, more hands-on studies in highly focused areas. “教职员工致力于拓展学生思考全球十大网赌正规平台之后会发生什么的方式, especially in their senior year, 探索他们感兴趣和好奇的学科领域,” Polin said.

体验证书是学生完成新课程三个“加”学分的一种方式, beyond Trinity’s 32 required academic credits. Thirty-five total credits are required for graduation. Each certificate consists of three credits, combining both academic and co-curricular experiences, with at least one credit from both categories. Co-curricular experiences include such opportunities as teaching assistantships; peer teaching and mentorships; internships; short-term global study; research with a faculty member; and most January Term courses.

A completed certificate will be reflected on a student’s transcript, 波林说,这将向潜在的研究生院或雇主证明,学生在一个专注的主题上认真研究过. “它讲述了学生的激情所在,并提供了他们是谁以及他们在全球十大网赌正规平台追求的工作的更深层次的故事。,” he said.

“我们并没有把课堂上发生的批判性思想和问题抛在脑后——我们正在将它们向外应用, pushing against the edge of the classroom and into the world,” Polin added. “The hours students spend outside of the classroom matter, too. 有了这些证书,学生可以通过体验活动继续学习.”

Students interested in more information may contact the Center for Academic and Experiential Advising at [email protected].

Read more about some of the experiential certificates:


As cybersecurity threats become more sophisticated, 对专业人士的需求越来越大,他们不仅了解网络安全背后的理论, but also have firsthand experience in applying their knowledge, according to Associate Professor of Computer Science Ewa Syta.

Associate Professor of Computer Science Ewa Syta works with students.
Associate Professor of Computer Science Ewa Syta works with students.

“网络安全证书将为学生提供技术技能和领域专业知识,以补充批判性思维, adaptability, and communication skills honed by a liberal arts education,” said Syta, who supervises the certificate along with Professor of Engineering Taikang Ning.

获得此证书的学生需要完成计算机科学与工程课程的两个学分, in addition to one co-curricular activity, which may take the form of an internship, summer fellowship, or research project with a faculty member.

“参加课外活动能为学生提供宝贵的实践经验, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity,” Syta said. “By engaging in real-world experiences, scenarios and challenges, 学生将体验理论知识如何转化为实践,以及网络安全如何影响实体的各个方面.”

获得证书的学生将以明显的优势毕业, Syta说:“他们可以充满信心地进入专门的网络安全角色, 或者利用他们增强的计算机科学技能来选择任何以技术为中心的角色, providing an edge in the competitive job market.”


“这个体验式证书通过将音乐和人类学正式结合在一起,为全球十大网赌正规平台的学生带来了跨学科学术参与的新维度,” said Professor of Music Eric Galm, who leads this certificate.

Samba Ensemble

Students are required to complete one ethnomusicology course, one anthropology methodology course, and one co-curricular engaged activity, 是一学分的研究项目,还是半学分的研究经历加上一学期的桑巴合奏课程.

“民族音乐学体验证书让学生将理论与应用实践相结合, affording an opportunity to not only learn about something, but to then put that learning into practice,” Galm said.

In this subject area, students may pursue an internship in the archives of the Watkinson Library; engage with a living culture project at a local museum or other nonprofit institution; or share course learnings with the public through a music program on Trinity’s WRTC radio, for example.

Galm added that students embody learning through doing. “而不是通过学术教科书来学习音乐和文化, 学生可以直接与整个地区的遗产从业者接触. Instead of merely ‘studying’ people and their traditions, 学生的研究可以帮助艺术家开发全面的材料,这将有助于他们向更广泛的观众宣传和传达他们的作品.”

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate Emergency

When you have an existential crisis like climate change, you can’t approach it from just one perspective, said Associate Professor of Chemistry Michelle Kovarik他是语言与文化研究教授兼证书顾问 Johannes Evelein.

measuring trees

“It’s not enough to just understand the science; you also have to understand the policy of it, the psychology of how to help people make choices, and giving people hope through the humanities,” said Kovarik. “Approaching it from different disciplinary lenses is very important.”

该证书包括两个学分的气候相关课程,代表两个不同的部门(i.e., arts, humanities, natural sciences, 社会科学)和通过与气候紧急情况有关的经验工作获得的联合课程学分. 几年前,学院通过了一项决议,要求全球十大网赌正规平台在课程中加入有关气候紧急情况的观点,随后颁发了这一证书,” said Kovarik.

科瓦里克说,学院希望学生们了解情况,并有能力为气候紧急情况做点什么, 哪一种形式可以是参与气候行动的科学研究经历或实习. “这是一个非常紧迫的问题,会影响到每个人,”她说. “It’s important for all students, 他们是否想在他们的职业生涯中做一些与气候有关的事情, or just to be informed citizens.”

The experiential certificates available now are:

  • Academic Leadership
  • Archaeological Fieldwork
  • Bioinstrumentation
  • Carceral Systems and Social Change
  • Clinical Neuroscience
  • Cybersecurity
  • Design Thinking
  • Digital Communication
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Ethnomusicology
  • Film Curation
  • Global Health and Human Ecology
  • Information Security
  • Innovation
  • Machine Learning
  • Medicine and Allied Health
  • Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate Emergency
  • Multimedia Communications
  • Organ Performance
  • Private Governance
  • Research in Mathematics
  • Software Development
  • Subject Specific Writing
  • Tax Policy and Inequality
  • Technical Theater
  • Translation in Practice
  • Tutoring Academic Writing
  • Urban Engaged Learning
  • Using Second Language Skills in a STEM Context
  • Writing Pedagogy