这个WordPress教程是为了指导教育研究教师而创建的, staff, 学生们在三一教育研究网站上发表文章.

这个学院范围内的WordPress网站由三一传播办公室管理, and this section of the site is managed by the Educational Studies Program. See more detailed instructions by the Communications Office.

Initial author login and access:

Go to the Trinity Ed Studies WordPress admin link: http://suprun.sabai55.net/educ/wp-admin/

Click “SAML authentication” and enter your Trinity credentials

最初,站点会说“您目前没有此站点的特权”,这是正常的. After your initial login, Trinity Communications的WordPress管理员会将您的访问权限更改为“作者”级别,以便您可以创建帖子.  The next time you log in, you should be able to view the Dashboard.

Dashboard and Create New Post (Blog):

When you first log into the Trinity WordPress, you may need to navigate to My Sites > Center for Hartford Engagement and Research > Dashboard.

On WordPress platforms, a “page” appears permanently in one location, but a “post” (or “blog”) is sorted in chronological order, with the newest at the top. To start a new WordPress post, go to Blog > Add New.

List Multiple Authors:

不像谷歌文档和其他数字工具,支持多个和同时的作者, this Trinity WordPress platform allows only one author to create and edit a post (blog).

However, the creator can list names of multiple authors in the Author field.

Paste clean text, use headers, and insert links:

当你从Google Docs或其他文字处理文件中复制和粘贴文本时, use the Paste as Text button to remove unneeded formatting.

Use pre-formatted headers to organize sections. 三一通信要求您不要使用彩色文本或其他字体装饰. Also, headers should be used to organize sections on a page, 并不是为了装饰目的,因为这有助于保持您的页面对屏幕阅读器的可访问性.

Insert links to relevant websites.


About bold type in body text:

虽然三一通信WordPress平台支持正文文本在 bold font like this,当您在线预览页面时,它们的设置不会使此样式突出. Unfortunately, we cannot adjust the Trinity Communications settings. 因此,考虑不同的解决方案,将注意力吸引到写作中的关键短语上:

a) Try using bold + italics at the same time.

b) Try inserting a link into the key word, such as media, to jump to an anchor link with a glossary of key terms below. (Learn about Anchor Links further below.)

Save Draft and Preview (but WAIT to Publish)

On the right side, see controls to save your draft, and right-click the button to Preview Changes in a new tab. However, do not press the Publish button until you are instructed to do so.

Add static-image media:

Prepare JPG or PNG files with clear file names. For the top of your post, 标题图像最小尺寸为1440 x 617像素(宽度x高度,单位为像素), but larger sizes such as 1600 x 1200 px also would work fine here. For the body of your post, 尽量避免过大的图片(大小超过1-2 MB或宽度或高度大于1500像素),因为它们会被WordPress缩小.

Click the Add Media button at the top, upload your image, and in general use the default “no alignment” setting, which places your images on the left margin without text wrap.


请务必在图片的标题栏中注明他人的图片来源, and link to the original if needed.

Honeycrisp apple, image by Jonathunder

You may wish to write a simple HTML link inside the caption field to point to the source. Hint: If you’re unfamiliar with HTML, write the caption in the body of the post, add the link, 然后将标题链接剪切并粘贴到图像编辑器的“标题”字段中.

Embed an interactive iframe

要在web平台上插入交互式表格、图表或地图,您需要了解 concept of embedding an iframe, which means to seamlessly display one web page inside another web page.

首先,复制您希望显示的交互式表格、图表或地图的已发布链接. 提醒:不要复制一些可视化工具提供的整个嵌入代码. Just copy the link.

Second, enter square brackets, the word “iframe”, and the source (src) of the link inside quotation marks, similar to the example shown below:

Third, save your work and click Preview to see the embed code in action, which should appear as a seamless interactive element in WordPress, similar to the example below. Always insert some explanatory text below to act as a “caption”, perhaps in italics, 并插入直接链接,以供希望查看完整版本的读者使用.

Sample embedded iframe of a Datawrapper chart. View the full-size version.

Embed YouTube or Vimeo streaming video

If you have uploaded streaming video to YouTube or Vimeo, click its “Share” link to copy the short web address.  In WordPress, go to Add Media > Insert from URL and paste the steaming video link.

Sample embedded YouTube video:

Embed Kaltura streaming video

从Trinity Library媒体服务器嵌入Kaltura流视频使用与上面相同的“iframe”方法, 但是需要一些额外的步骤来删除一些与方括号冲突的嵌入代码.

First, upload your video to your Trinity Kaltura account, then on the media page, click the “share” button to display and copy the long embed code.

Next, paste the long embed code into WordPress. 然后删除突出显示的部分(以避免代码冲突),并将其余部分转换为方括号" iframe "格式,如本页前面所示:

Sample Kaltura streaming video:

You may need to manually add a caption below your video.


在Trinity WordPress平台中插入数据表的几个选项:

1 -对于非常短的表,使用WordPress中的Table菜单,因为你需要手动输入数据.

A Very
Short Table

2 – Or build a more complex table using the Tables Generator tool, and paste the HTML code directly into the Text tab of WordPress. You can import more complex table data this way.

或者在Datawrapper中构建一个交互式表(它支持可排序表), publish it, and embed it as an iframe.


Anchor links to jump to other sections

这个Trinity WordPress平台允许您插入锚链接,以突出显示长内容中的关键部分,并允许读者轻松跳转到那里.

First, somewhere in the body of your content, place your cursor *about two lines above* the destination and Insert > Anchor. Type in one simple word (or hyphenate-a-phrase) to set the anchor, which will appear as a symbol in your editor.

Next, go somewhere else in your text and create a link to that anchor, by typing in a hashtag and the simple word (in this example: #media).

Click on preview to test how it works: See also Media.

Academic citations:

这个Trinity Communications WordPress平台不是为学术写作而设计的, so we have limited choices for using academic citations.


1) The simplest solution is to use to an in-text citation system like the Modern Language Association (MLA), 你在哪里把作者页面的引用放在句子末尾的括号里,  or the American Psychological Association (APA) system, where you place an author-year citation in your sentence. 这些MLA或APA引用都是指文章末尾按字母顺序排列的参考书目. Examples of MLA in-text citations from Purdue Writing Lab:





2) If you strongly prefer Chicago-style footnotes, 一个复杂的解决方案是手动在WordPress编辑器中插入上标字符, and manually add numbered notes at the end. Here’s an example of a superscript number.If you want to do extra work, you could create an anchor link for all notes (#notes), 并手动在每个上标数字中插入链接,以便读者可以轻松跳转到它, like this example.2 Sorry it’s complex, 但我们告诉过你,这个平台不是为学术写作而设计的. Other WordPress platforms support footnote plugins, but not this one.

Pull-out Quote or Testimonial:

“引语”或“推荐书”将读者的注意力吸引到选定的引语上, to make it stand apart from the body text. You can do this in two ways on the Trinity WordPress platform:

1) Easy but Green Quotes: Click the Quote button at the top of the editor, where you can insert the quote, attribution, and additional context about the speaker. To revise a quote you’ve inserted, switch from the Visual to the Text tab to reveal the WordPress code. This method is easy, 但三一传播办公室还不能改变默认的“鲜绿色”颜色.

The WordPress Quote button is easy, but vivid green.

Jack Dougherty

2) Complex but better-looking Testimonials:


a) Scroll below your WordPress editor to select > In-Content Components > Add Component > Testimonial


c) To continue writing in normal text, 滚动到您的推荐下面,并插入一个新的所见即所得组件(所见即所得).

Testimonial looks better, but requires more complex steps.

Jack Dougherty Trinity Professor

To insert normal WordPress content below the testimonial, you need to insert a WYSIWYG component like this.

Example Bibliography (for MLA citations above)

Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads. Oxford UP, 1967.

Example Notes (for Chicago-style footnotes above)

1 Here is a sample note.

2 这里是另一个示例笔记,读者可以通过锚链接更容易地看到它.

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