Below are some frequently asked questions about Commencement. Click the plus symbol to read the answer for each question.

Commencement FAQ

Baccalaureate will take place in the Chapel at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 18.

Approximately one and one half hour. For an idea of how the ceremony is organized, see the 2023 Commencement Program.

Graduates will receive the Line Up Instructions at Grad Fest, Monday, May 13.

No. 全球十大网赌正规平台的毕业典礼是在室外的正院举行的,风雨无阻. Degree candidates can invite an unlimited number of guests; there are no tickets required and there is ample seating for general audiences.

如果由于极端天气条件而在科佩尔社区体育中心(新英国大道175号)举行典礼,每位毕业生最多只能邀请两位嘉宾. 极端天气的门票将在5月13日星期一的毕业典礼上分发给学位候选人.


全球十大网赌正规平台的毕业典礼是在室外的正院举行的,风雨无阻. Degree candidates can invite an unlimited number of guests; there are no tickets required and there is ample seating for general audiences.

如果由于极端天气条件而在科佩尔社区体育中心(新英国大道175号)举行典礼,每位毕业生最多只能邀请两位嘉宾. 极端天气的门票将在5月13日星期一的毕业典礼上分发给学位候选人.


No. 如果毕业典礼按照计划在外面的主广场举行,则不需要门票.

如果由于极端天气条件而在科佩尔社区体育中心(新英国大道175号)举行典礼,每位毕业生最多只能邀请两位嘉宾. 极端天气的门票将在5月13日星期一的毕业典礼上分发给学位候选人.

Yes. 毕业典礼的直播视频将于上午10点30分在网上发布.m.
Check our website or our website for the live broadcast.

请将以下信息发送给国际学生顾问凯瑟琳·克莱尔 [email protected]: names of family members, their relationship to the student, approximate dates of travel, home country, and where they will stay while in the United States​.

全球十大网赌正规平台的毕业典礼是在室外的正院举行的,风雨无阻. Graduates can invite an unlimited number of guests; there are no tickets required and there is ample seating for general audiences.

如果由于极端天气条件而在科佩尔社区体育中心(新英国大道175号)举行典礼,每位毕业生最多只能邀请两位嘉宾. 极端天气的门票将在5月13日星期一的毕业典礼上分发给学位候选人.


The Commencement ceremony will take place on the Main Quad. 因为补水是关键,我们鼓励所有客人自带瓶装水. 学院将在典礼期间和之后提供供使用的水站.

如果客人愿意,他们还可以在额外的室内场地观看婚礼现场直播. 朋友和亲戚应该经常检查那些可能容易热敏感的人. 如果有需要,急救人员将随时待命.

Indoor viewing locations are:

Boyer Auditorium, Jacob Life Sciences Center
Cinestudio, Clement Chemistry Building
Goodwin Theater, Austin Arts Center
McCook Auditorium, McCook Academic Building
Washington Room, Mather Hall

如因极端天气情况需要更改,详情将于上午7时前通知.m. on Sunday. 我们将向校园社区发送广播电子邮件,并在我们的网站上发布通知.

Yes. 没有极端天气门票的亲友可在以下地点观看婚礼:

Boyer Auditorium, Jacob Life Sciences Center
Cinestudio, Clement Chemistry Building
Goodwin Theater, Austin Arts Center
McCook Auditorium, McCook Academic Building
Washington Room, Mather Hall

毕业典礼的直播视频将于上午10点30分在网上发布.m. Check our website for a link to the live broadcast.

为行动不便的客人提供数量有限的无障碍停车通行证,先到先得, first-served basis.

Wheelchair seating will be available on the Main Quad.

如欲申请无障碍停车位或轮椅座位,请填写此表格 online form.

在哈特福德地区有很多地方提供轮椅租赁服务, 你可以通过互联网搜索引擎或哈特福德黄页找到他们. In the past, 人们被介绍到西哈特福德主街北344号的郊区药房. You can contact them at 860-236-3564. 全球十大网赌正规平台不认可或推荐使用一个租赁场所.

你将在2024年5月13日星期一的毕业典礼上领取学位帽和学位服. 帽费和学袍费将被添加到学院的账单中.

如果你不能参加毕业典礼,你可以到书店去取你的帽子 & gown and extreme weather tickets beginning Tuesday, May 14. The bookstore will be open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Tuesday – Saturday and 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Commencement Day.

如果你不能参加毕业典礼,你可以到书店去取你的帽子 & gown and extreme weather tickets beginning Tuesday, May 14. The bookstore will be open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Tuesday – Saturday and 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Commencement Day.

学院聘请了Pro Pics公司来拍摄毕业生们走过讲台和走下讲台时的照片. 毕业生将通过电子邮件收到证明,届时可以购买照片.

A translation of the diploma can be found here.

可以找到2023年12月或更早授予的学位的翻译 here.

拉丁文荣誉在所有成绩提交并最终确定后确定. 学生可以在线监控他们的累积平均绩点. 学位授予荣誉基于学生的最终累积平均成绩. Honors are conferred as follows:

  • summa cum laude—3.900 and higher
  • magna cum laude—3.800 to 3.899
  • cum laude—3.667 to 3.799

Yes. 与以往一样,学院将在毕业典礼后举行毕业典礼庆祝活动. 学院帐篷将提供茶点,娱乐,和更多. Graduates, their families, 并鼓励客人参加并向教职员工告别, friends, and classmates.




除了在学院的招待会上练习足球, 毕业生及其家人举办的私人聚会可以租用帐篷.

To host an individual gathering, submit a 2024 Individual Post-Commencement Celebration Agreement and certificate of liability insurance no later than 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 19.

The bookstore will be open 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 14 – Saturday, May 18, and 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Commencement Day.

The residential communities will close promptly at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 19. 在这段时间内,身份证将被禁止进入校园的所有建筑.

超过此日期仍留在学校的学生将不予批准. For more information, please contact [email protected].

如果您在这里没有找到问题的答案,请发电子邮件 [email protected].