Recent Selected Anthropology Faculty Publications

Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot

(faculty profile)

“Pushing Back the Walls: The Politics of Maneuver in Women’s Drug Rehabilitation.” Design & Culture 15(2):187-205.

“On How to Live While Being Thrown Away: Black People Who Use Drugs and the Politics of Anti-Disposability.” City & Society 35(2):180-190.

Shafqat Hussain

(faculty profile)
Remoteness and Modernity: Transformation and Continuity in Northern Pakistan. 2015. Yale University Press. [Book]

Hunting and the Shikari in Precolonial and Colonial India. Paper presented at the American Society for Environmental History, Annual Meeting 2016. April 1, 2016. Seattle.

Amanda J. Guzmán

(faculty profile)
Guzmán, Amanda J, Carolyn A. Smith, and Rosemary A. Joyce. March 2024. “Teaching Museum Curation and Cultural Equity by Design.” In Pragmatic Imagination and the New Museum Anthropology, edited by Christina J. Hodge and Christina F. Kreps. London: Routledge Press.

Guzmán, Amanda J. 2023. “From the Desk of: Material and Institutional (Dis)Orientations as Puerto Rican Art Practice”. The Museum of the Old Colony: An Art Installation by Pablo Delano, edited by Laura Katzman. University of Virginia Press.

Timothy Landry

(faculty profile)
2015. Vodún, Globalization, and the Creative Layering of Belief in Southern Bénin. Journal of Religion in Africa 45(2): 170-199.

Jane Nadel-Klein

(faculty profile)
Op-Ed: Bloomfield Water Bottling Plant Potential Drain On Community.  Hartford Courant, March 20, 2016.


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